(Danny gives a ring to Leo.)
Danny: Hi, Leo. This is Danny.
Leo: Hi, Danny. What’s up?
Danny: I have good news and bad news for you. Which go first?
Leo: The bad one.
Danny: Okay. I’m watching you! (Making it sound creepy and ghosty)
Leo: What?
Danny: (Laughing out) I’m just bullshitting.
Leo: Fine. So…?
Danny: Alright. I’m calling to invite you to Jay Chou’s concert with me. Jay Chou is finally gonna hold his concert on January 1st in Tainan. You know, it’s once in a blue moon, and I’ve just got two tickets.
Leo: Wow! That’s cool!
Danny: So, yes or no?
Leo: Sure. Why not?
Danny: Perfect.
Leo: Wait, wait. I’ve just found that I would have to attend an important conference on that day. I think I’ll have to take a rain check on it.
Danny: What a pity! (Sighing sadly)
Leo: Got you! (Laughing out loud)
Danny: F*** you!
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